About a Stool.




We complain about growing old and I totally get it; life is hard, but harder when you spend it pining over something that is impossible to get back. 


when things were simpler..., 

when all we had to worry about was..., 

when I looked like..., 

when we didn’t have these bills (or kids 😂)...

Society tells us to miss our youth and spend the entirety of our lives grasping at something we’ll never get back—

Don’t live that story.

I don’t know if you have a best friend for, like, your whole life, but Adam does. The greatest thing about it, for me, is having the vantage point to view the compilation of their seasons of life: the wildness of youth and wisdom of aging, the successes and failures, the happiness and the heartache. 

ALL that is to say that these pictures represent the work of two dudes who I love and their evolution through friendship and life and art. They are each working toward a place where they have the confidence to know and do what they want and use their power to shape it. It is inspiring to see and really not something that you are able to do when you’re young because it takes learning and self-confidence that you just don’t have. It takes being brave enough to explore and fail and pursue things and quit and try again and just be content with yourself. 

Maybe that’s what all art is, at least to me, a search for meaning through creation. From these images taken by another old friend to a house mindfully filled with things we’ve chosen to surround ourselves with that remind us of these important people. 

That’s it. Surround yourself with meaningful things (this is hard, I know, because it’s easy to go to Target or shop on Insta and just buy the things). Find things that make you smile and tell a story and don’t design your home around what you think it “should” be or look like. Finally, take time to step back and appreciate all that you are and have become and let go of your youth because the connections and wisdom you gain with age are much more beautiful than the rest of that nonsense. 


